Global Bioethanol Production


Using bioethanol as a fuel in motorized vehicles goes back to the invention of cars and especially Ford’s Model T project. Usage of bioethanol blended gasolines continued until the early 1970s in countries with large agricultural resources when the first petroleum crisis that erupted affected the supply securities of many countries amongst which Brazil was a leader. The second petroleum crisis in the early 1980s triggered an increase in the yield of production technologies thus wide spreading the use of bioethanol. Since 2003, bioethanol has grown rapidly as the oxygenating factor for gasoline.

In modern day, with the acknowledgement of the highly favorable effects of bioethanol on the economy and on the environment, global bioethanol production and demand continues to reach new heights. 

In 2016, global bioethanol production exceeded 100 billion liters.

The United States retained its position as the top bioethanol producer in the world in 2016, accounting for nearly 60% of global production.


This latest global forecast continues the trend of incremental annual bioethanol production growth since 2013, while oil prices dropped to record lows over the same period.